
Hi everyone , The purpose of building bridges is to create a connection. What is the importance of creating a connection? What would happen if bridges didn’t exist? Can we still reach our destination or full potential if we didn’t cross a bridge? Basically, every connection whether physically or metaphorically leads to a chain of events that create experiences. Short of these opportunities we would only be familiar with our own little corner of the…

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Change of Season

Hi everyone, How are you feeling this season?  Is it bright or dark? Is it positive or negative? Is it busy and exciting? Is it feedback that you can use? As the world turns we experience a change of season. A summer, fall, winter and spring. Just like the weather, we personally experience changes in our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual body systems.  And each change affects how we think, how we feel, and what…

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What does boldness mean to you?

Painting a picture

Hi everyone, What does your canvas look like? Is it colorful/dull? Does it have bold lines or dotted lines? Do you feel at peace when you look at it or is it a sore point for you? Is it depressing or exciting? Can anyone paint a picture? Absolutely! I’m not a painter by any means possible in an artistic sense, but I am painting the picture of my life. I’m deciding what it will look…

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Hi everyone, What is hurtful? What is helpful? Who is foe? Who is your friend? I have found that what was meant to hurt me, actually helped me. When things are set in motion you have to take a pause AND evaluate what is happening. Is an adversary, friend or foe? If “adversity” can promote me, than we should all look at our adversaries and say “thank you for being my friend”!! I have found…

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Are you judging me?

Hi everyone, We are always judging!! We judge our appearances, and other peoples appearances. We judge people’s comments, and attitudes. We are judging the first thing we notice about someone. We are the judge and jury in certain situations. But, are we using facts, or utilizing our own homegrown feelings when we are making judgements? Albert Einstein said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,…

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Launching of Beta Bold Views – April 2016

Hi everyone, Welcome to Beta Bold VIews (BBViews) for forward thinking like minds. The ideas presented here can be extreme, or simplest at best. I am writing today about what is going on in our modern world. Sad to say, we have made very little strides in how we see each other. I am constantly reminding myself that I’m an educated, and a worldly individual. Unfortunately this has not been in alignment with how I’m…

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