Hi everyone,
Don’t lose sight of the right perspective!! We all lose sight of the the right perspective at one point or another. How can we stay on track of keeping the right perspective? Let’s look at this from a mathematical standpoint. For ex: 20 + 10 = 30; or for the literal thinkers, an adjective is an action word. Mathematically, a minus is a defecit or a loss, and a plus is a gain. Literally, you couldn’t say that you were actively doing something and not take any actions. Well, enough about that. Let’ s get into, “what is the right perspective?”
Having the right perspective means that you shouldn’t utilize one dimensional thought processes. USUALLY, having the right perspective requires 2 or more dimensional thinking. Meaning that you are also factoring other thoughts, beliefs and facts that are either similar or very different from yours. THE other important measure is making sure to utilize the right measuring stick in determining the right perspective. Utilizing different methodologies for different situations allows you to specifically manage a situation with the right set of tools. If you use a hammer to solve every problem. Then every problem will look like a nail!!
Having the right perspective and knowledge is EVERYTHING. In other words, seeing things in relation to each other accurately and fairly.
For example: I see people scared of all sorts of things that they shouldn’t be. Spiders, snakes, heights, dogs, conflicts, public speaking, loneliness, success, bugs, failure and sickness. Whatever it is, there is someone out there who’s afraid of it. I rarely hear that they are afraid of wasting their time and energy. It should be fairly obvious that you need to do an adjustment – something that I believe should be on the top of the list. Are you spending too much time on things that are really not helping you or important for you?
Once you are aware of your priorities and of how you are spending your time. If you find it a waste of your time, change it – don’t make excuses.
According to James Deacon,
Perspective……what you see depends not only on what you look at, but also on where you look from.
Here are a couple of things to consider in formulating your perspective:
- Please be of sound mind when giving or evaluating perspectives.
- Everyone has an opinion but it doesn’t mean that it’s right.
- Sometimes a change of persepctive is all that you need to see the light – Dan Brown.
- Remember: despite how hopeful, peaceful and loving you can be. People can only meet you as deeply as they meet themselves.
- Live, and let live!!
Happy New Year 2017 everyone!! LET’S START the new year BOLDY. On a personal note: 2016….happy that you came, happy to see you go.
Thanks for reading my blog posts. I really appreciated your support in 2016. Looking forward to more of your thoughts and ideas in 2017. We can all learn from each other.
Disclaimer: The views in this post are betaboldviews and may not apply to you or your belief systems.
Happy New Year, JAM!!!
An appropriate post as we start a New Year.
New Year! New Beginnings!
By His grace, may we always be guided the right way.
Hi Momof2,
Happy New Year!! I agree with your comments.
According to Pastor Rick Warren, the second measure of spiritual growth is perspective. Perspective is understanding something because you see things from a larger frame of reference. It is the ability to perceive how things are interrelated and then judge their comparative importance.
In a spiritual sense, it means seeing life from God’s point of view. In the Bible, the words “understanding,” “wisdom,” and “discernment” all have to do with perspective. The opposite of perspective is “hardness of heart,” “blinded,” and “dullness.”